Thursday, September 17, 2009

Friends...Imperfection...and No TV for a YEAR ... Bring it On!

We have friends because we have shortcomings.  Let's face it, if we were perfect what would we need friends for?  We wouldn't have to ask if we were handling an uncomfortable situation correctly - OF COURSE WE WOULD BE!  We're perfect!  How do I look in this?  PERFECT!  How was your day?  PERFECT!  So when a friend emailed me about my blog and solved a dilemma for me, was I surprised?  NO, that's what friends are for.

So here's what my friend Regina from Charleston wrote to me; I will quote verbatim because she just said it so....perfectly. 

I loved your expression of how "free" you felt.  I think we almost feel an obligation to our shows and our TVs.  When the new shows start you have a weekly map of what to watch and which night and even when it feels silly we are a slave to that night and really don't want to talk on the phone or go out anywhere while our shows are on!  Before we could record them I can remember some pretty silly excuses if my night was a fav show night!  But if you think about it we have been that way ever since our parents decided to get one of those boxes.  I used to literally RUN home from school to watch Dark Shadows.....hey flowing white lace dresses in the dark of night with a man out to find you was pretty risque for a fourth grader.  I used to think boy my mom would whip my tail if I was sneaking out in the dead of night and in white even!!!  LOL.    How about sports - guys can't be interrupted from their games and how many funny movies and shows have been made about guys and their TV.
 It was like Regina turned on a bright light in a very dark room!  Of course....staying up too late to finish a show, not answering the phone because I'm watching TV, not getting up for that 2nd cup of coffee until the next commercial.  Timing everything that day or evening or weekend around TV shows, commercials, movies, events, WHATEVER.  I didn't even realize how much energy that was taking from me or how much stress that was laying on my already overloaded mind.  Thanks, Regina!  You hit the proverbial nail on the head!!!

Of course Regina said a lot of really complimentary things about my blog, too, but I didn't want to copy all that stuff because that would be, like, bragging and all....Thanks for all the nice stuff you said, Regina, you know, like
Ok I have to tell you that I am LOVING your blog!   I try to enjoy it every night for the previous day but sometimes I have to wait a couple of days.
 I so totally admire your resolve to find another way to spend your time.  Delving in to the book world and writing again is fabulous.   My favorite so far has been the Kinsey story!  Kids are just so there in the moment!
 So please keep up your blog - I say eat a candy bar and suck on a soda while you are writing it!!!
 Thank you very much,  Regina.  Now...on to my "friends" and "relatives" who keep taunting me with reminders of what TV SHOWS ARE far not getting to me.  I don't like Dancing With the Stars.   Don't like Bones the TV Series; do like the book series.  Still can enjoy the book series.  (MELANIE!)  so nannynannybooboo

Oh, I wrote my first complete short story this week.  I want to enter it in a contest; has to be 1500 words and I started with 2000.  Have whittled it down to 1700.  So I'm going to whittle now.  :o)

* I skipped blogging last night because I was tired and extremely crabby.  A dear friend suggested that might just be the best time to blog.  So when I do IT'S ALL ON HER!  (Susan)

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is wonderful. I've become addicted. I've been surprised you CAN find something to write about every day.

    I blog too but, frankly, my life is not exciting enough to pump out something every day. Somehow saying, "I got up, went to work, came home, ate dinner, and now I'm going to bed." just doesn’t seem interesting even to me. So there are days I skip. How is it that your life seems bright and cheery and filled with fun? Perhaps because it is so well written?

    One thing I can say about blogging is I love getting comments. It makes it seem all worthwhile. Someone out there is reading it and finds it--funny, interesting, sad, perplexing-- enough to make a comment. Or it reminds them of something they have experienced and your blog makes them want to share it with you. How great is that?

    And every writer likes a good review, if nothing else.

    So, I find your blog funny, interesting, sometimes sad, rarely perplexing, and highly entertaining. Please keep it up.
