Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Planning for September 2012!

One of my favorite authors is Edna Buchanan.  She is a former reporter for both the Miami News and the Miami Herald.  As a crime reporter she saw the ugly and the truly weird sides of my home town.  She first published nonfiction accounts of the Miami she saw, then started writing a series of novels about a crime reporter in Miami named Britt Montero.  I love detective books written by women with women as the lead characters.  Buchanan's novels fit the bill perfectly!  I enjoy Britt Montero, swilling the super-strong Cuban coffee, and going toe-to-toe with detectives, City Hall, and Miami criminals.

Edna Buchanan has been chosen for the 2012 Literary Legend Award by the Florida Heritage Book Festival.  She will receive her award in September at the 2012 Florida Heritage Book Festival in St. Augustine, Florida.  I am making plans now to attend!  Jeff Lindsay, author and creator of "Dexter" (the serial-killer-criminologist who also lives in Miami) will be a keynote speaker.  woo-hoo!  A cornucopia of mystery writers!  Well, we'll see...two probably doesn't make a cornucopia...but it's a start!

Here's the article from our local paper containing a telephone interview with Ms. Buchanan:


The Florida Heritage Book Festival is one of my favorite St. Augustine happenings all year.


(still walking - day 7)

Friday, April 6, 2012


Out of bed at 6.

Walked *FLB and me.

He had enough bathroom breaks.
No street pooping.

Observed that there are more cars at 6:15 than at 5:45.  Newspaper delivery car swerves back and forth like a drunken sailor and needs to be avoided at all cost.

Day 3.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day Two

5:15am Alarm/clock radio turns on:  This morning I wake up and realize it's time to get up and walk.  I decide if I don't move then I might be able to ignore the music for a few more minutes.  (The radio is across the room so I can't hit snooze.)
5:20am My backup alarm on my cell phone starts chiming.  Since my cell phone is on the nightstand I simply hit it and it stops.
5:40am Guilt prompts me to get up.
5:42am Finally find the FLB* and tell him we're walking.
5:45am FLB* and I leave for walk (only 3 minutes later than yesterday...yippee for me)
-------- Stop so FLB* can relieve himself
-------- FLB* stops and drops a #2 on the street (REALLY?!  This was pure spite.)
-------- Stop so FLB* can relieve himself
-------- Stop so FLB* can relieve himself (just show-lifts now; he's empty)
-------- Stop so FLB* can relieve himself and he drops yet another #2 but this time in a designated area (yippee for me)
6:05am Back in the house again.  FLB runs and jumps on my unmade bed with his wet paws.  I chase him off.

*FLB Harley my love

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day One

5:15 a.m.  Alarm clock/radio turns on:  my dreams start to include country music
5:25 a.m.  Finally wake up enough to realize I'm not in Nashville and I open my eyes, raise my head and check the time.  Close my eyes and snuggle back on my pillow.
5:35 a.m.  Drag myself out of bed.
5:40 a.m.  Wake up the FLB*.
5:42 a.m.  FLB* and I leave for walk.
---------   Stop so FLB* can relieve himself
---------   Stop so FLB* can relieve himself
---------   Stop so FLB* can relieve himself (by now he's lifting his leg and nothing's coming out...it's all for show)
---------  FLB* stops and drops a #2 on the street
6:02 a.m. Back in the house again after morning walk.

*FLB (freakin' little bastard) is Harley the 24 lb terrier who needs to lose 4 lbs to get back to his handsome self.