Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 3 - What's going on ?

I really expected to miss my TV. I scheduled my life around Sunday Morning, Soprano reruns, even It's Me or the Dog. Except for some physical herky-jerkiness that I will explain later, I'm suffering no withdrawal pains. That scares me - maybe it takes a few days or a week then hits like heroin withdrawal!
No nap today. I had a hair appointment and so totally enjoyed it I ended up staying late and chatting until almost 7:00 pm. And my appointment was at 3:30! I seem to have all this enthusiasm and self-esteem (from following-through with a project?) and I'm either suffering a severe manic episode, or really coming out of my shell.
Robin and Gail, the owners of Fringe, where I get my hair cut & colored, had traveled to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in late June/early July. My all-time favorite vacation was two weeks spent with friends touring, you guessed it, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Robin shared her photos on her laptop while my hair sat in its chemical bath. New Age music played on the Satellite Radio system and I was once again traveling in Cape Breton, and rafting the river while the Bay of Fundy tide rolled in, and hiking the beaches with rocky shores and dangerous cliffs.
After the color, shampoo, cut, and style were complete Robin and I sat in her newly decorated lobby - complete with a beautiful painting she did herself of a lion -and talked about Canada, friends, health, writing, traveling, flooring, moving, etc.
I finally remembered I had a dog at home waiting to be let out to pee and left. Once I arrived home I let Harley out immediately and, after he took many minutes to relieve himself, then took him for a walk to apologize for being late.
I set about cooking dinner and booting up my laptop and felt the urge to turn on the TV - habit more than a desire to watch anything. I turned on the radio, cooked dinner,caught up on my email and facebook, read some more of Tim Dorsey's Florida Roadkill, and before I knew it, it was bedtime.
I cannot believe how short the evenings are. I cannot believe how long the evenings seemed to be when I was slouched in my chair channel-surfing. This is weird.
By the way I apologize for the misleading title to yesterday's post. I meant to explain it but then I forgot. Last night when I took Harley out for his night-night pee-pee (hey, that's how he talks, not me) there was this HUGE UGLY kind-of GRAY SPLOTCHY FROG on my patio and he was all sprawled out and didn't even move when Harley sniffed at him. I bent over and looked more closely and saw it wasn't ONE HUGE UGLY SPLOTCHY FROG it was a smaller ugly splotchy gray frog on top of the large ugly splotchy gray frog. I could only think of one reason for this position, but they weren't moving at all. Had we caught them in a post-coitus stupor? I don't know but just the thought of it grossed me out.

1 comment:

  1. That is what I like about people who decide to give up TV. Within two days they begin to dwell on the sex life of frogs. Happens every time.

    Netflix is wonderful, by the way. I recommend it. :)
